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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Consultation Outcomes

Thank you to everyone who participated in this consultation process for the review of the Disability Services Act 2011 and for the time and effort you have put into taking part.

Before we started, we asked people with lived experience about the best ways to consult with the disability community, and we did our best to follow this advice. We are learning more about how to consult, and we will look carefully at what worked or did not work this time.

The level of participation in this consultation shows that people with disability want to be involved in decisions that affect them and have lots to say when they are given the opportunity.

We want to make sure we continue to increase the number of people who take part our consultations and live up to the message we used in this consultation – what you have to say is important!

The feedback we have received includes many well-thought-out suggestions and we will use this advice in deciding what we do next.

There are some very clear messages about access and inclusion and the role the Tasmanian Government needs to play as a leader in this – for every Tasmanian with disability. There is widespread support for the creation of a Tasmanian Disability Commissioner and many ideas about what this role should do. We also heard many suggestions about improving the quality and safety of services.

The consultation feedback has been collated and is available in three (3) versions of the Review consultation outcomes report.


Please let us know if you need assistance to access or read the documents by emailing or phoning 1800 431 211.

We are now in a good place to know what we need to do to create contemporary legislation for Tasmanians with disability. We will now get to work on writing a new disability Act and will continue to involve and consult all our stakeholders as we move forward.