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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Community Policy and Engagement

Community Policy and Engagement (CPE) leads the development and implementation of whole-of-Government policies, strategies, and programs that support diverse communities and lived experiences:

CPE also leads the development of whole of Government policy in relation to prevention of family and sexual violence, and essential services that help Tasmanians such as food security, and cost of living support.

CPE facilitates opportunities for Tasmanians to share their experiences, have their voices heard and directly inform decisions of Government. In particular, CPE works to reduce barriers for Tasmanians to share their stories and shape policy development.

CPE partners with the community sector, including peak organisations and service deliverers, recognising that Government alone cannot achieve a Tasmania where everyone is equal and valued. CPE also delivers events that contribute to a vibrant community and reflect back to Tasmanians their experiences and values.

CPE supports the Minister for Community Services and Development, the Minister for Women, the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence and the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs.

Contact us

Phone: 03 6232 7565
