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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Aboriginal Employee Network - Terms of Reference

TSS Aborginal Employee Network Terms of Reference

The Aboriginal Employee Network (AEN) Terms of Reference is to provide a clear understanding of the expectations, structure and role of the AEN and to ensure individuals appropriately engage with and understand their responsibilities as active members of the AEN.

Background and purpose

In 2019, the TSS Aboriginal Employee Network (AEN) was formalised as an initiative under the first TSS Aboriginal Employment Strategy, a whole of state service approach to improve employment outcomes for Aboriginal people in Tasmania. Formalising the Aboriginal Employee Network gave purpose, a voice, and authenticity to the work initiated and progressed under the Aboriginal Employment Strategy.

The Network is built from a shared understanding and commitment to ensure Aboriginal knowledge, experience, values are respected and central to the work we undertake as a collective.

Role and Function (Scope of Activities)

  • The Aboriginal Employee Network’s role is to contribute to, and support the development, implementation and progression of a range of initiatives and programs under the TSS Aboriginal Employment Strategy, ensuring work undertaken is collectively Aboriginal informed and/or Aboriginal led.
  • The AEN will provide agencies, and more broadly the State Service, advice and guidance that is consistent, ethical and respectful, focussing on improving employment outcomes for Aboriginal people.
  • The AEN will work together contributing to a range of Cultural and professional initiatives, practices and learning opportunities as well as supporting each other, sharing and celebrating our collective work and achievements.


Aboriginal people working in the Tasmanian State Service are eligible to be members of the Aboriginal Employee Network. Membership remains current whilst employed within the TSS. New members are welcome and can request membership by email to (Aboriginal Employment, State Service Management Office). Membership includes subscription to the TSS Aboriginal Employment Newsletter.

The Senior Consultant, Aboriginal Employment Strategy in the State Service Management Office will Chair the Aboriginal Employee Network.

Member responsibilities – Ways of Working

Engage in Aboriginal Network business according to the following principles:

  1. give respect – listen, be conscious of the needs of others and different ways of working, show appreciation for the contributions and expertise of others. Respect is reciprocal, and needs to be given and received;
  2. be gentle – give others the benefit of the doubt, approach conversations with kindness;
  3. to honour – recognise and show appreciation for the lived experience and expertise of members and stakeholders.

Members of the Aboriginal Employee Network are responsible for;

  • Participating, contributing to, and supporting the development, implementation and progression of a range of initiatives and programs under the TSS Aboriginal Employment Strategy
    • Participation is thru; AEN Workshops, Gathering, AEN Email and AEN MS Teams
  • Treating all AEN members with respect and value difference to ensure equity amongst all members and cultural safety aligned with;
    • The TSS Code of Conduct (section 9 of the State Service Act 2000)
    • The TSS Principles (section 7 of the State Service Act 2000 and Employment Direction No. 2) and;
    • Work Health and Safety practices.


It is expected that discussions held within the AEN are kept confidential within the AEN. Outcomes from any discussions may be minuted and distributed to the Network.

What the Network is not about

The Aboriginal Employee Network is not about: -

  • Individual member/s and/or agency grievances (members should follow the relevant Agency grievance procedure if appropriate),
  • Pursuit of personal and/or Aboriginal organisational/Community political agendas, and/or
  • Initiating and/or involvement in behaviours/activities that undermine the integrity/credibility of other Network members and/or the Network and/or the State Service.


The Aboriginal Employee Network is coordinated by the State Service Management Office. Individual Network members are also accountable to their workplace supervisor/manager. For example, seeking relevant approval with your Supervisor to attend Network workshops/Gatherings and undertaking work associated with the Network/Aboriginal Employment Strategy.

It is expected that all Network members have a sound understanding of the TSS Aboriginal Employment Strategy, Action Plan and associated reports/documents.


The AEN will normally meet in person four times during per calendar year, generally between 10am and 4pm (times may vary). AEN workshops are held in March and September in Launceston, and June and November in Hobart. The November meeting in Hobart will be the end of year Gathering. A workshop agenda will be sent out to the AEN prior to each workshop. Action minutes will be sent to the AEN post each workshop.

Members input, advice, guidance and contributions will be sought through AEN email list and/or the AEN Teams channel. Other meetings maybe called for on an ad hoc base.


The TSS Aboriginal Employee Network is funded by the Aboriginal Employment Strategy. Costs incurred by individual members to participate in AEN activities (such as travel/accommodation), are the responsibility of the members’ TSS agency.


The TSS Aboriginal Employee Network does not have any delegated authority.