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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Virginia Case

Virginia Case

Member Premier's Disability Advisory Council

Virginia Case has short, blonde wavy wair and is wearing a steel grey V-neck jumper with a white top

After 20 years in the workforce, Virginia gained a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Tasmania (UTas) in 1998.  After graduating she worked for 20 years in front-line service delivery in social housing, and as a project officer and business analyst in large scale health related IT projects.

Various family and personal health issues have given her an understanding of problems faced by individuals and their carers on a daily basis.  She has experienced her own challenges with “hidden” disability after being diagnosed with MS in 2013.  Unfortunately, a major health crisis in mid-2016 saw her level of physical disability increase suddenly and significantly and she had to retire from paid work at the beginning of 2019.  Since then she has undertaken some part-time study in the Bachelor of Fine Arts at UTas.

As a former business analyst with a strong focus on process (working smarter not harder) and improving “organisation/client interfaces”, Virginia believes these skills, and her own experiences with disability, enable her to contribute positively as a member of the Premier's Disability Advisory Council (PDAC).