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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Cheryl Arnol

Veterans' Reference Group

Cheryl Arnol

Cheryl Arnol is a former Army Reservist (CMF) with 146 Signal Squadron based at Battery Point. Her youngest son is a current serving cavalry soldier with 1ARMRD based at RAAF Edinburgh in Adelaide.

Cheryl was elected President of Spring Bay RSL Sub-Branch in 2013 and remained in that position until 2017, when she was elected as Vice-President; a role she still holds.

Cheryl has served as a Councillor on the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council since being elected in 1996. From 1999-2005, Cheryl was Mayor of the Glamorgan Spring Bay Council, and served as Deputy Mayor in 1997 and again in 2014-2018. She was awarded a Centenary of Federation Medal for Services to Glamorgan Spring Bay Council.

Cheryl is a current Director of the Forest Practices Authority and is a member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

Cheryl’s working life consisted of 10 years at the Triabunna woodchip mill; 20 years in a small engine sales and service business with her husband and 12 years at Elphinstone Engineering at Triabunna prior to retiring in February 2017.

Cheryl has been a club, State, National and International administrator over a 40-year competition clay target shooting career. In 2012 Cheryl won the Australian International Shooting Ltd Fellowship Award for services to international shooting which included being Chair of Selectors for Beijing and London shooting teams. Cheryl has won numerous titles including National Ladies High Gun and Macintosh (Australian) Ladies Team High Gun.