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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Captain Charles Augustus Littler

Captain Charles LittlerDeeds not words

Captain Charles Littler, of Devonport, Tasmania, and his sons Geoff and Guy all enlisted for World War One. The family motto was "deeds not words".

Captain Littler was the last Anzac to leave Gallipoli, where he was known as the Duke of Anzac.

Captain Littler was killed in action at Mouquet Farm, in France, on 3 September 1916.

Ogilvie High School student Caitlin Argent researched Captain Charles Littler for the Frank MacDonald Memorial Study Tour in 2016 and visited Villers-Bretonneux Memorial, Villers-Bretonneux, Picardie, France, where Captain Littler is commemorated.

Read Caitlin Argent's report about Captain Charles Littler. (PDF, 285.01KB)

Photo of Captain Littler Australian War Memorial P02898.002