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Department of Premier and Cabinet



  1. ABS (2018). Survey of Disability,  Ageing and Carers, Australia.
  2. Caring Fairly (2020). COVID-19  Carer Survey.
  3. Carers NSW (2020). National  Carer Survey.
  4. Carers Tasmania (2020). Road  to Recovery – COVID-19 Survey.
  5. Deloitte Access Economics (2020). The Value of informal care in 2020. Carers Australia.
  6. Mental Health Carers Australia  (2020). Survey on Impacts of COVID-19 on Families and Carers of NDIS  Participants with Psychosocial Disability.
  7. Premier's Economic and Social  Recovery Advisory Council Interim report July 2020
  8. Premier's Economic and Social  Recovery Advisory Council Final report March 2020