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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Award Modernisation

As part of the long-term industrial reform commitments, Australia Day holiday with pay substitution is being introduced for 2024 to enable choice for eligible employees and officers.

The Tasmanian State Service (TSS) strives to be a culturally respectful and professional workplace for all its employees and officers.

This change supports TSS employees employed on the following awards to make a choice as to whether they would like to work on Australia Day, as agreed between the employee and their manager:

  • Tasmanian State Service Award.
  • Facility Attendants (Tasmanian State Service) Award.
  • Health and Human Services (Tasmanian State Service) Award.
  • Medical Practitioners (Tasmanian State Service) Award.
  • Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority Award.
  • AWU (Tasmanian State Sector) Award.
  • Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Award.
  • Teaching Service (Tasmanian Public Sector) Award

The TSS Aboriginal Employee Network facilitated by Louise Adams, SSMO’s Senior Consultant, Aboriginal Employment Strategy have been key to guiding the change. We also communicated with agencies and gained their overall support.

Australia Day substitution enables employees to make a choice to access the holiday with pay on an alternative date. An employee may choose to substitute the Australia Day holiday with pay for another normal working day with pay to be taken within a four-week period from 26 January, as agreed between the employee and their manager.  Where an employee would like to access substitution, in the first instance they should have a conversation with their manager and follow it up with an email seeking to substitute Australia Day and stating a preferred substitution day within four (4) weeks from Australia Day.  This needs to be mutually agreed between the employee and their manager.

SSMO has prepared a guide to assist managers and employees: