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Department of Premier and Cabinet


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Local Government

In Australia, each level of government has a role to play in reducing emissions and adapting to the impacts of a changing climate. In 2012, the Council of Australian Governments adopted the Roles and Responsibilities for Climate Change Adaptation in Australia as a statement of common understanding.

Local governments are on the frontline of dealing with the impacts of climate change. They are responsible for a broad range of services, the administration of a range of Australian, state and territory legislation, and the management of a substantial number of assets and infrastructure. As the tier of government closest to community, they also play an important role as educators, advocates, and program providers.

In Tasmania, local governments are delivering a range of policies and programs to help Tasmanian communities and businesses reduce emissions and adapt to the impacts of a changing climate. The information provided in the links below is designed to assist local governments to continue their efforts and create more sustainable and resilient communities.

Quick links: