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Department of Premier and Cabinet


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The impacts of climate change will affect Tasmanian businesses in different ways. For some businesses it may present challenges, while for others, opportunities.

Climate change projections for Tasmania show that the projected impacts are likely to be less extreme than in other parts of Australia. Industries such as wine growing could increase as wine growers capitalise on Tasmania’s cool climate. Tourism operators could expect more customers looking for a holiday away from the heat.

However, projections also show that there is likely to be an increase in things like bushfire conditions and severe wind hazards. These pose a risk to people and business assets, as well as affecting things like transport networks that serve businesses.

There are a number of ways in which Tasmanian businesses can adapt their operations and increase their resilience to changing circumstances. There are also many ways in which businesses can save money and reduce their carbon footprint by being more efficient and using resources more effectively.

What you can do