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Department of Premier and Cabinet


Contact Details

By phone
Find the number of a specific division or office to contact them directly or call Service Tasmania on 1300 135 513.

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What you can do

There are many things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint and prepare for a changing climate. The pages below provide advice on practical changes you can make.

At home

You can reduce your household energy use and save money, as well as prepare your home for a changing climate. These actions don’t have to be expensive or time consuming; sometimes even small, low-cost changes, like replacing light bulbs, can make a big difference.


Working together can make it easier to achieve your goals. These might be to reduce your carbon emissions, conserve energy, or turn waste into resources. You might consider bulk purchases of solar panels, establishing a community garden, or organising car-pooling.


Schools have an important role to play in taking action on climate change. The  following pages provide tips for reducing your school’s environmental footprint, and climate change resources to support your school’s teaching and learning program.


You can cut your business operating costs by reducing energy use and using resources more efficiently. As well as reducing your business carbon footprint, there are many ways to adapt your business and prepare for the projected changes in Tasmania’s climate.

Local government

Local governments play an important role in dealing with the impacts of climate change.