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Department of Premier and Cabinet


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The need for a new action plan

Climate Action 21: Tasmania’s Climate Change Action Plan 2017-2021 (Climate Action 21), which has set the Tasmanian Government’s agenda on climate change since 2017, concluded in June 2021. Under Climate Action 21, the Tasmanian Government has delivered 37 actions across six priority areas:

  1. Understanding Tasmania’s future climate;
  2. Advancing our renewable energy capability;
  3. Reducing our transport emissions;
  4. Growing a climate-ready economy;
  5. Building climate resilience; and
  6. Supporting community action.

The Department of Premier and Cabinet’s Tasmanian Climate Change Office (TCCO) is responsible for overseeing and publicly reporting on progress of actions under Climate Action 21.

Tasmania’s next climate change action plan

The Tasmanian Government is committed to developing Tasmania’s next climate change action plan for 2021-2026. TCCO is responsible for delivering Tasmania’s next climate change action plan. The next action plan is being developed through broad consultation with the community, research organisations and industry, and will reference the best available climate science. It will also consider the outcomes from the independent review of the Climate Change (State Action) Act 2008 (the Act) and the Tasmania’s Emissions Pathway Review and the Economic Impact Analysis projects.

Relevant election commitments, and recommendations from the Premier’s Economic and Social Recovery Advisory Council and the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements will also be incorporated into the plan.

This report

The ‘What We Heard’ Report summarises the consultation activities we undertook to inform the next action plan and the feedback we received.

Next: Consultation activities