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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Frequently Asked Questions - Employee Surveys

This page provides answers to the most commonly asked questions about the TSS Employee Survey, including how confidentiality is maintained, and were to go for further information or help in completing the Survey. Use the links below to jump to the relevant section.

Getting Support

Who is my Agency's Survey Coordinator, and how do I contact them?

Your Agency Survey Coordinator is your first contact for information and support relating to the Survey.  The contact details of your Coordinator are provided in your invitation email, and will appear in any promotional material. If you can't find the contact details of your Coordinator, email and we will put you in touch.
Is there support for employees with accessibility needs to complete the Survey?Yes. If you require assistance to complete the Survey, it is recommended that you contact your Agency Survey Coordinator before beginning the Survey.
I am experiencing technical, or other issues that are preventing me accessing or completing the Survey.Your Agency Survey Coordinator will be able to assist you with any queries concerning completing the Survey.
Why am I getting email reminders to do the Survey when I've already completed it?The Survey system will send two reminder emails automatically, unless your Survey has been completed and submitted.

You may also receive additional 'all staff' email reminders directly from your Head of Agency, agency executive, or Agency Survey Coordinator at certain times during the Survey period.


Why have I received an invitation email from Orima Research - how did they get my details?Orima Research has been contracted to support the delivery of the TSS Employee Survey. You have received an email from them (signed by your Head of Agency), because you have been listed as a current employee in a State Service agency, and your agency provided your contact details, so that you could be sent a personalised invitation email.
How is my privacy protected?Survey information and material, including responses you give to questions, is maintained in line with the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act 2004, and the State Service Act 2000. The Collection Statement which appears at the beginning of the Survey provides more information.
How is the confidentiality of my responses maintained?

The Survey does not ask for personal details such as your name or address. The Survey is delivered by Orima Research, an independent social research company, who are responsible for collecting and processing Survey responses on our behalf. Once you complete the Survey, your email details are deleted.

Agencies do not receive individual Survey responses. Survey results are provided as a summary of all responses at the Agency or Division level. This means that it is impossible to link any demographic information that you might provide (for example your age, gender, and if you have a disability), to other answers you might provide about your workplace environment or culture.

Furthermore, if divisions or sections do not receive at least 10 responses they will not receive a report. If this occurs, the responses of that division or section will be rolled up to the next level of reporting – for example, if your section does not get enough responses, your results will be rolled up into the division level of reporting. All responses will be reported at the agency level.

About the Survey

Is participation in the Survey compulsory?Participation in the Survey is voluntary. You are strongly encouraged to participate in the Survey as your feedback will provide valuable insights into what it is like to work in your agency.
What does the Survey ask about?The Survey includes questions in line with areas identified as whole-of-service workforce management priorities and also includes questions about your employment and work environment, such as:
- diversity
- engagement
- workplace health, safety and wellbeing; and
- job satisfaction.
Why does the Survey ask about my age and other personal information?This information is asked so that an assessment of the representativeness of the Survey results can be made against the workforce profile.
Who can participate in the Survey?The Survey is open to all TSS employees and officers, regardless of how long they have been employed.
How long will it take to complete the Survey?As a guide, it is anticipated that most people will complete the Survey in 10 to 20 minutes. However this will depend on your reading style.
Where can I find more information about the Survey?Your agency will have information available via the intranet or through news bulletins or emails. Your agency also has at least one Agency Survey Coordinator who will be able to assist you with any queries concerning the Survey.
How will I find out about the Survey results?The whole-of-service Survey Results (in a summary format) will be published on the State Service Management Office website, and agencies will publish their own agency-summary results at the same time. Individual division/section results will be communicated internally by each Head of Agency to agency employees at a later date. Your Agency Survey Coordinator and agency executive will provide updates on when this will happen.

What are the Survey results used for?

The Survey results are used in a range of ways at the TSS and Agency level. The Survey is one of the primary ways that senior leaders and managers can regularly “check in” with employees through confidential and anonymous feedback. The results enable benchmarking and comparison of key trends across all Agencies, and setting of common priorities to improve the experience of all TSS Employees. Within Agencies, they are used to monitor issues or trends, inform workforce and culture-related priorities, and identify areas for improvement. They may also be used to inform specific employment initiatives, for example the TSS Aboriginal Employment Strategy or TSS Veterans Employment Strategy.

Accessing the Survey

I haven't received an invitation, can I use my colleague/manager's link? / Can I share my email link with someone?

If you use someone else's personalised link, you will be able to see and change their Survey responses.

If you share your email link they will be able to see your responses and change them.

Each employee will receive a personalised email to participate in the Survey. If you didn't receive an email invitation, contact your Agency Survey Coordinator.

I'll be on leave during the Survey, can I still participate?Yes. The invitation to participate will be sent to your work email address. If you can remotely access your work email you will be able to access the Survey link. You don't need to be on a government computer, or a government network to complete the Survey, so it can be completed from home, or a mobile device. If you have any concerns about participating in the Survey while on leave, contact your Coordinator.

Completing the Survey

What happens if I can't complete the Survey in one session?If you received an email from Orima (
Your invitation email contains a personalised link to the Survey. You can save and exit the Survey at any point, and use this link to return to your partially completed Survey. If you have deleted your invitation email, contact your Agency Coordinator who can arrange to have it resent.

If you are accessing the Survey through your agency's generic link:
The first time you access the Survey using this link and click the 'start new survey' button you will be given a unique password. Make note of this password as it will allow you to save and return to the Survey using the generic link at a later time.
I have just started working with my agency, how do I complete the Survey as it asks about the last 12 months?You should complete the Survey based on your experience based on the period you have worked in the agency.
I worked in another agency for most of the last 12 months / I am currently on secondment from my agency - can I complete the Survey for my other agency?You have been included as an employee in the agency where you are currently located. Your views on your experience of working with your current agency will provide valuable feedback regardless of how long you have been employed there or in what capacity.
I can't find my division or section.Agencies have provided an organisational structure for the Survey, in some cases small sections or divisions may have been combined.  If you have difficulty selecting your work area, talk to your manager, or contact your Agency Coordinator for advice.
Who is my senior manager?The Survey asks you about your senior managers, managers, workgroup, and agency. Definitions of all these terms are provided at the start of the Survey. If you are still unsure, speak to a colleague, your Human Resources/People and Culture division, or Agency Survey Coordinator.
Can I change my responses before submitting the Survey?Yes. Before you click the 'Submit' button at the end of the Survey you will be able to move between the pages of the Survey to review and change your answers. Your changes will be saved each time you move between pages.
Can I change my responses after submitting the Survey?No. Once you click the 'Submit' button at the end of the Survey, your email and login details are deleted from the Survey and you will not be able to access your responses. The Survey includes options to review responses at each stage, including the final page before submission.
How do I submit the Survey?The final page of the Survey provides information on how to review your responses and submit the Survey. It is critical that you click the 'save' and 'submit' buttons otherwise your responses will not be submitted. Clicking 'save' and closing your browser will save your responses but your Survey will not be submitted.