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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Short Titles for Awards and Agreements

The Awards and Agreements are available on the Tasmanian Industrial Commission website, under 'Awards - Public Sector' and 'Agreements - Public Sector'. The State Service Management Office or stakeholders may sometimes use a short title when communicating about Awards and Agreements, such as:

Tasmanian Public Sector Award

Short Award title

AWU (Tasmanian State Sector)

AWU Award

Custodial Officers

Custodial Officers Award

Facility Attendants (Tasmanian State Service)

EFA Award

Governor of Tasmania Staff

Government House Award

Health and Human Services (Tasmanian State Service)


Legal Practitioners

Legal Practitioners Award

Medical Practitioners (Public Sector)

Medical Practitioners Award

Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Award

Nurses and Midwives Award

Parliamentary Staff

Parliament Award


Police Award

Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority


Tasmanian Ambulance Service

Ambulance Award

Tasmanian Fire Fighting Industry Employees

Fire Fighting Award

Tasmanian State Service


Tasmanian State Service National Training Wage

National Training Wage Award

TasTAFE Teaching Staff

TasTAFE Teaching Award

Teaching Service (Tasmanian Public Sector) .

Teachers’ Award

Tasmanian Public Sector Wages Agreement

Short Agreement title

Allied Health Professionals Public Sector Union Wages Agreement

AHPs Agreement

Ambulance Tasmania Agreement

Ambulance Agreement

AWU Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement


Correctional Officers Agreement

Correctional Officers Agreement

Dental Officers Agreement

Dental Agreement

Department of Infrastructure, Energy and Resources Engineers Industrial Agreement

DIER Engineers Agreement

Education Facility Attendant Salaries and Conditions of Employment Industrial Agreement

EFA Agreement

Legal Practitioners Agreement

Legal Practitioners Agreement

Ministerial Drivers Industrial Agreement

Ministerial Drivers Agreement

Nurses and Midwives (Tasmanian State Service) Agreement

ANMF Agreement

Port Arthur Historic Site Management Authority Staff Agreement

PAHSMA Agreement

Public Sector Unions Wages Agreement


Radiation Therapists Agreement

Radiation Therapists Agreement

Rural Medical Practitioners (Public Sector) Agreement

RMPs Agreement

Salaried Medical Practitioners Interim Agreement 

SMPs Agreement 

Tasmania Fire Service (TasFire Equipment) Industrial Agreement

TasFire Equipment Agreement

Tasmanian Visiting Medical Practitioners (Public Sector) Agreement

VMPs Agreement

TasTAFE Teaching Staff Industrial Agreement

TasTAFE Teachers Agreement

Teaching Service (Tasmanian Public Service) Principals Agreement

Principals’ Agreement

Teaching Service Salaries and Conditions of Employment Agreement

Teachers’ Agreement