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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Stage 2 intro

ATTRACTING A HIGH QUALITY FIELD - You won’t find the right person until you know where to look.



Know your labour market

Maintaining knowledge of the labour market is an ongoing commitment.


Determine what's attractive about the Agency and the work area

What makes your Agency and your work area an employer of choice? Are you tapping into the broader interest in TSS employment?


Determine the selling points of the role

Don’t’ dress the role – describing the roles as it is will sell it to the right person!


Write and place the ad

Remember you are looking for a quality not a quantity field.


Prepare an application kit

Tailor the application kit to the role and explain the selection process – provide potential applicants with the information they need to decide whether the role is or isn’t for them.


Convert interest into quality applicants

Every contact should build on the reputation of the Agency. When taking enquiries help potential applicants to gauge their fit with the role. 

Urban Myths

The challenge for you as a Manager is to identify the fact from the fiction.  Ask Human Resources about minimum requirements and good recruitment practice.

Common Urban Myths include:

  • You can only advertise in the Gazette and mainstream press.
  • You can’t invite people to apply.

Read more recruitment myths on the Recruitment myths busted page.