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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Appendix B – People Matter Survey – Summary Results

Key Points – People Matter Survey 2015 results


The People Matter Survey 2015 – the Tasmanian State Survey workforce survey (the Survey) was open to all State Service employees and officers from 11 to 29 May 2015.In 2015, the Survey was delivered by the State Service Management Office (SSMO) in partnership with the Victorian Public Service Commission (VPSC) and Orima Research Pty Ltd.

The Survey asked employees questions about their experience of work, including topics such as change management, employee engagement, workplace health, safety and wellbeing, job satisfaction and team work.

A total of 8 380 people passmocipated in the Survey in 2015, providing a response rate of 30.61 per cent for the State Service. A response rate of 30 per cent is considered to be statistically valid for the purposes of actioning findings.

A brief summary of the whole-of-service results

Areas that received high levels of agreement (respondents agreed with the statements presented in the Survey) included individuals’ perception of: their behaviour in the workplace; their working relationships with colleagues; and their commitment to working in the State Service.

Table 1: Questions that received high percentage agreement responses>

Questions that received high percentage agreement responses

Survey Question

Tasmanian State Service
Strongly agree/agree

My workgroup strives to achieve customer satisfaction


I provide help and support to other people in my workgroup


I receive help and support from other people in my workgroup


Areas that the results suggest may require improvement at the whole-of-service and agency-level include change management, leadership, and workplace wellbeing. When considered in the context of a number of agencies going through significant long-term changes during the last year, such as restructuring processes, these findings are understandable.

Table 2: Questions that received lower percentage agreement responses>

Questions that received lower percentage agreement responses

Survey Question

Tasmanian State Service
Strongly agree/agree

There is a clear consultation process when change in my organisation is proposed


I am provided with the opportunity to influence changes in my organisation


Senior managers provide clear strategy and direction


With reference to these findings, ensuring that employees are provided with support and information through change processes will continue to be a priority for agencies and at the whole-of-service-level.

It is also encouraging to see that there are such high levels of support between employees and their colleagues, and that employees have continued to be focused on providing high quality services to the Tasmanian community.

Further information about the 2015 People Matter Survey and previous surveys can be found at:

Continue reading:  Appendix C - Workforce Profile