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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Chapter 10 - Workforce Management

This chapter provides information regarding agency requests which relate to employment matters, such as change of employment status, secondments, fixed-term registers and agency-specific recruitment programs, outside of the normal agency recruitment processes associated with ED No. 1. These matters relate to a number of other Employment Directions, as well as arrangements under the Practices, Procedures and Standards (PPSs).* The following table outlines the requests made in 2015-16 and their status as at 30 June 2016.

Request type Requests Rejected/ withdrawn Approved
Agency-specific recruitment programs (under PPS 2) 4 0 3**
Essential requirements and pre-employment checks (under ED 7) 31 0 31
Essential requirements – other (under Section 15(1)(e) of the Act) 37 2 35
Extensions of fixed-term employment beyond 36 months (ED 1) 16 1 15
Fixed-term and casual employment registers (under PPS 1)*** 30 0 30
Change of employment status - request by employee (ED 1) 14 11 3
Change of employment status - request by agency (ED 1) 161 1 160
Appointment without advertising (ED 1) 1 0 1
Promotion without advertising (ED 1)**** 10 0 10
Secondments into the State Service (ED 1) 4 0 4
Secondments out of the State Service (ED 1) 20 0 20

* See the SSMO website for more information about the powers under Employment Directions and Practices, Procedures and Standards

** One case was still pending at the time of reporting.

*** Current approved registers are listed on the Tasmanian Government Jobs Website,

****The majority of these were Award or Employment Direction progressions based on qualification attainment (Teachers, Nurses).

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