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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Council rates

Council rates are a property-based tax collected from residential and business property owners in a council area. When councils set their rates, they need to take into account their community’s demand for services and the capacity of ratepayers to pay rates.

Property values are used as the basis for levying rates across council areas. The Tasmanian Valuer-General assesses the value of properties across Tasmania. Approaches to property values include:

  • Capital Value (CV), which is the total value of the property, including the land, buildings and other improvements, but excluding plant and equipment.
  • Assessed Annual Value (AAV), which is the estimated rental value of the property in a year. This cannot be less than 4 per cent of the capital value.

Councils choose which type of rateable valuation they use to set their rates. Councils also choose the way they distribute rates across their ratepayers.

Rates snapshot

More information about council rates can be found in the Tasmanian local government Rates Snapshot 2018-19 - Office of Local Government 2020. The snapshot includes information for all Tasmanian councils about:

  • average council rates per rateable property;
  • rate revenue as a percentage of total council revenue; and
  • operating costs per rateable property
More information about a council's rating decisions

For more information about a council’s rating decisions, contact the relevant council. Contact details for councils are available in the Tasmanian council directory.

More information about property valuations

For more information about property valuations, contact the Office of the Valuer-General:

  • phone 03 6165 4444