The Tasmanian Government routinely discloses information to the public under the Right to Information Act 2009. To further enhance our transparency and to enable greater consistency across Government in when information will be released, the Tasmanian Government routinely discloses information twice a year (April and October), or within 10 working days of changes taking place.
Departmental information routinely disclosed includes information such as: organisational structures and functions, departmental governance policies, DPAC's annual report, major policy projects, employment statistics, Senior Executive Service details, expenditure on telecommunications, the gifts and hospitality policy, departmental fees, official visits to Tasmania, greenhouse gas accounts, Government contracts with confidentiality provisions, non-procurement contracts valued at over $2 million, and contracts and consultancies over $50 000.
Right to Information disclosures can be found here.
Category of Information | Description | Information released |
Routine Disclosure relating to Commission of Inquiry matters | This document contains the following fact sheets and routine disclosure tables relating to Commission of Inquiry (CoI) matters of concern:
These tables are routinely updated and published on the Department of Premier and Cabinet website Note: the information in these tables is valid as at the reporting date and drawn from complex live datasets which are subject to change. Care should be exercised in the interpretation and reporting of these datasets. As new disclosure tables are added or tables expanded, it is important to note that the tables may not be mutually exclusive, individuals may be listed in one or more tables, and some tables are point in time whilst others are cumulative from a point in time. | |
Joint Referral Review Team (JRRT) - Matters of interest identified through the Commission of Inquiry | What information does this report provide? The Joint Referral Review Team (JRRT) is a multi-agency team including key law enforcement and regulatory authorities. The core purpose of the JRRT project was to review all Section 34A Notices sent by the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings (Commission) to Tasmanian agencies, law enforcement and regulatory entities and employee matters arising from the Commission report as identified by Heads of Agencies. The review focused on identifying any current risks to children and young people in connection to government institutions. Section 34A Notices are the mechanism by which the Commission notified agencies, law enforcement or independent regulators of concerns it may have had with respect to the conduct of an individual (see fact sheet here). This extensive data consolidation exercise has created a comprehensive dataset of all persons of interest relevant to the Commission of Inquiry. It is noted that not all Section 34A Notices received from the Commission contained enough information to identify alleged persons of interest, the specific nature of the allegations, or sufficient details about the alleged victims. Some Section 34A Notices were sent to multiple entities relating to the same allegation, and some Section 34A Notices contained reference to multiple persons of interest related to the same allegation. Therefore, the number of Section 34A Notices issued by the Commission does not equal the number of persons of interest identified. All matters have been reported and were reported at the time they were detected. Other important notes about the information provided in this report:
Please click here for further information about the types of notices issued by the Commission. | |
Assessment and actions by Heads of Agency in relation to matters referred to in the Commission of Inquiry report | What information does this report provide? This report provides an update on the assessment and actions by relevant Heads of Agencies of current and former Tasmanian State Service employees referred to in the Commission of Inquiry (COI) report. Heads of relevant Agencies have reviewed the COI report in relation to a current or former employee matters and these are being assessed to determine whether further action under the State Service Act 2000 is required. The Premier, on 17 October committed to providing as much information as is permitted by law. This report provides information at a whole of State Service level regarding the total number of employee matters arising from the COI report under consideration by Heads of Agencies, the breakdown of former and current State Service employees, the progress of those assessments and whether actions under the State Service Act have commenced or been determined. No individual Agency details have been identified to provide the appropriate confidentiality of employee information, particularly with processes that may be underway. The Government has accepted all 191 recommendations of the Report and the Government response to the Report was published on 1 December on how the implementation of the recommendations will progress. This report contains three sections:
When will this report be updated? This report will be updated on the 20th of every month until all actions are complete. This report may be amended with additional data when the Department of Justice completes its review of all Section 34A referrals. What else is occurring to ensure accountability and transparency? The Government has appointed Mr Peter Woolcott AO, former Australian Public Service Commissioner to conduct an independent review of all the actions taken in response to the information and concerns raised by the COI regarding state service employees. This is to ensure victim survivors and the community can have confidence that we are leaving no stone unturned. |
State servant suspensions - child sexual abuse allegations | Routine disclosure of State Servant suspensions as a result of allegations of child sexual abuse. |
Gifts, benefits and hospitality | Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality received by the Department of Premier and Cabinet. | Gifts, benefits and hospitality register |
2024-25 DPAC Fee Schedule | Listing of DPAC’s Fee Schedule, applicable for 2024-25. This is a requirement under the Fee Unit Act 1997. | 2024-25 DPAC Fee Schedule (PDF 38.0KB) |
Organisational structure and functions | DPAC's organisation chart. | DPAC Organisation chart |
Departmental governance policies | Information about core governance and legal policies. | |
Employment and workforce statistics | Tasmanian State Service – Workforce Profile. | |
Senior Executive Service details | Tasmanian State Service – Workforce Profile. | |
Expenditure relating to telecommunications and mobile devices | Total expenditure for previous six months, as reported in agency annual reports. | April 2024Telecommunications expenses information sheet October 2023Telecommunications expenses information sheet April 2023Telecommunications expenses information sheet October 2022Telecommunications expenses information sheet April 2022Telecommunications expenses information sheet October 2021Telecommunications expenses information sheet April 2021Telecommunications expenses information sheet October 2020Telecommunications expenses information sheet April 2020Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 89.8KB) October 2019Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 151.9KB) April 2019Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 133.0KB) October 2018Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 92.8KB) April 2018Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 70.9KB) October 2017Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 64.0KB) April 2017Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 61.0KB) October 2016Telecommunications expenses information sheet (PDF 97.7KB) April 2016 |
Contracts and consultancies awarded greater than $50 000 | Contracts and consultancies awarded greater than $50 000 as currently published. | Information available on |
Office of Local Government investigations | Number of complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government (formerly Local Government Division) over the reporting period. | April 2024Complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government October 2023Complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government April 2023Complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government October 2022Complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government April 2022Complaints concluded by the Office of Local Government October 2021Complaints concluded by Local Government Division April 2021Complaints concluded by Local Government Division (PDF 110.8KB) October 2020Complaints concluded by Local Government Division (PDF 119.8KB) April 2020Complaints concluded by the Local Government Division (PDF 168.6KB) October 2019Complaints concluded by the Local Government Division (PDF 167.0KB) April 2019Complaints concluded by the Local Government Division (PDF 167.3KB) October 2018Complaints concluded by the Local Government Division (PDF 91.7KB) |
Service Tasmania activities | Number of distinct services provided over the counter, transactions provided over the counter, calls answered by the Government Contact Centre, online interactions, and applications received for Personal Information Cards over the reporting period. Also amount of revenue collected, social media reach and number of full-time-equivalent staff. | April 2024Service Tasmania Services and Transactions October 2023Service Tasmania Services and Transactions April 2023Service Tasmania Services and Transactions October 2022April 2022Service Tasmania Services and Transactions October 2021Service Tasmania Services and Transactions April 2021Service Tasmania Services and Transactions October 2020Service Tasmania Services and Transactions April 2020Service Tasmania Services and Transactions (PDF 131.6KB) October 2019Service Tasmania Services and Transactions (PDF 150.7KB) April 2019Service Tasmania Services and Transactions (PDF 132.1KB) October 2018 |
Official visits to Tasmania | List of official visits to Tasmania by financial year. | |
Annual report | DPAC’s annual report. | |
Government contracts | List of all executed contracts containing confidentiality provisions as a result of approval by a Head of Agency. | |
Non-procurement Government contracts | List of all contracts entered into by DPAC with a value of over $2 million that are not the result of procurement. | Non-procurement Government contracts valued at more than $2 million. |