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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Evidence for prevention and Health in All Policies

Health and Wellbeing

For information about your own health and wellbeing visit the Healthy Tasmania portal . For information on how to build health promotion and health literacy skills and knowledge visit Working in Health Promoting Ways and the Health Literacy Toolkit.

Tasmania’ Health Status

There are some promising signs for Tasmania’s health with longer life expectancy and generally good self-reported health. However, not all Tasmanians enjoy good health. The number of Tasmanians with chronic conditions is growing steadily. Combined with our ageing population, this growing burden of disease will have impacts on workforce productivity, quality of life and economic and social participation by Tasmanians in all aspects of life.  Find out more by reading the State of Public Health report.

The case for prevention

Prevention saves lives and reduces illness and disability. It frees resources needed elsewhere. The social and economic benefits of prevention are profound.  Find out more by reading:

Members of the Premier’s Health and Wellbeing Advisory Council have provided evidence and rationale for prevention in recent submissions. These include the

Tasmanian Policy Drivers

The Healthy Tasmania five year strategic plan recognises taking a Health in All Policies approach as a way to “support agencies and government businesses to better understand and consider the health impacts of their policies..”. This plan was informed by the work of the Healthy Tasmania Committee of the Health Council of Tasmania.

What influences our health and wellbeing?

Most of the factors that influence our health and wellbeing sit outside of the health sector such as employment, education, transport, poverty, early childhood experiences, housing, planning, food security, and social inclusion.  Find out more by reading Closing the gap in a generation: health equity through action on the social determinants of health.

Health in All Policies

Health in All Policies (HiAP) helps agencies to better understand and consider the health impacts of their policies and to develop long term solutions to address the social and economic factors that influence health.  Find out more by reading these World Health Organisation HiAP resources and for an Australian perspective see more at the South Australian Government Health in All Policies approach and for a research perspective by reading this policy brief compiled by the Southgate Institute for Health, Society and Equity. Canterbury District Health Board leads HiAP in New Zealand and has developed a range of tools and fact sheets.

What works in prevention?

Much work has been done across the world to identify what works in relation to preventing non communicable disease including: