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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Council policies, procedures, services, fees or purchasing and tender process complaints

Individual councils are responsible for dealing with these kinds of complaints. The Local Government Act includes accountability measures under which councils can be held responsible to their communities for their actions and decisions.

Customer service charters

Every council must have a customer service charter which explains how the council will deal with a complaint. Council charters typically provide:

  • council policy on handling of complaints
  • the timeframe within which a response to a complaint will be given
  • details of how a decision on a complaint can be reviewed.

For more information, you can obtain a copy of your council's customer service charter from the council's website or directly from the council. Contact details for your local council and links to the council's website are provided in the Tasmanian Council Directory.

Codes for tenders and contracts

Under the Local Government Act 1993 all councils are required to have a code for tenders and contracts, providing a framework for best practice tendering and procurement methods and incorporating the following purchasing principles:

  • open and effective competition
  • value for money
  • enhancement of the capabilities of local business and industry
  • ethical behaviour and fair dealing

The code for tenders and contracts is required to include a complaint resolution process. You can obtain a copy of your council's code from the council's website or directly from the council.

Contact details for your council and links to the council's website are provided in the Tasmanian Council Directory.