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Women and Girls in Tasmania 2018 Fact Sheets

The Tasmanian Government is committed to creating a more inclusive Tasmania that empowers and enables women and girls to fully participate in our economic, social, political and community life through policies and actions that increase financial security, leadership and participation, safety, health and wellbeing and gender equity for women and girls.

This includes improving the evidence base on women and girls for policy and service development - a key action under the Tasmanian Women’s Plan 2013-18 and under the new Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2018-2021.

In 2014 the Government published the first Women and Girls in Tasmania statistical report to provide a snapshot of the status of women and girls in Tasmania across a number of areas, with changes over time to be tracked by regular biennial reporting.

In 2016 the Government published the Women and Girls in Tasmania Fact Sheets, which measured progress against the benchmark report.

The 2018 Women and Girls in Tasmania Fact Sheets now address the priority areas identified in the Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2018-2021: Financial Security, Leadership and Participation, Safety, Health and Wellbeing. There is also a Demographics Fact Sheet on women in Tasmania.

These Fact Sheets include data from a wide range of recently available published and unpublished sources and can be used by government, non-government and private sectors to inform policy development and service delivery, and will serve to inform an evidence base for the development of policies, programs and services.

The Fact Sheets will most importantly, provide regular measurements that will help to measure change over the coming years and assess progress in achieving gender equity for women and girls in Tasmania.

Click on the Fact Sheets and Introduction below to find out how women and girls in Tasmania are tracking.

  1. Introduction
  2. Factsheet: Demographics
  3. Factsheet: Financial Security
  4. Factsheet: Health and Well being
  5. Factsheet: Leadership and Participation
  6. Factsheet: Safety and Justice