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Department of Premier and Cabinet

Asian Education Strategy

The Department of Education has developed an ‘Engaging with Asia Strategy 2013-15’ (PDF) Asian Education Strategy.

This Strategy focusses on the opportunities and key priorities which relate to both curriculum implementation and opportunities for Tasmanian and international students in the school system, which will enable awareness and understanding of the importance of Asia to our future and the value of engaging with Asian literacy.

Implementation of the Australian Curriculum provides a context and impetus for schools to embed Asia literacy within the curriculum.

  • The Cross Curriculum Priority: Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia provides a regional context for learning across the curriculum.
  • The General Capability of Intercultural Understanding is an essential part of living with others in the diverse world of the twenty-first century. It assists young people to become responsible local and global citizens, equipped through their education for living and working together in an interconnected world.
  • In each of the learning areas, particularly Asian languages, there is reference to Asia delivered through the content descriptions, elaborations and achievement standards.

Under the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia, implementation of Principle 4: Respect for Diversity and the Practice of Cultural Competence will assist all children to make progress in relation to each of the learning outcomes.

Key Priorities

There are five broad action areas of the strategy:

  1. Implementation of the Australian Curriculum with a focus on Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
  2. Building leadership support through professional learning and cross cultural engagement
  3. Building teacher capacity through professional learning and cross cultural engagement
  4. Stimulating student engagement with Asian culture and languages
  5. Involving parents, communities and other key stakeholders in supporting Asia in the curriculum.

Key Stakeholders and Partners

  • Tasmanian Government Schools and Colleges
  • The Department of Education, Curriculum Services
  • Professional Learning Institute
  • Government Education and Training International (GETI)
  • The Asia Education Foundation (AEF)
  • The Tasmania Asia Network
  • University of Tasmania
  • Professional associations and networks
  • Parents and the community