Jenny Gale, Head of the State Service, message to all staff

Our Watch Survey (06 May 2021)

Dear Colleagues,

As you are aware, the Tasmanian Government remains committed to preventing and responding to family and sexual violence and in July 2019, released Safe Homes, Families, Communities: Tasmania’s action plan for family and sexual violence 2019-2022. We are dedicated to leading primary prevention actions that drive change in the attitudes and behaviours that lead to violence.

On 7 December 2020, the Premier publicly announced that Tasmanian Government departments would implement the Our Watch Workplace Equality and Respect Standardsunder Action 6 of Safe Homes, Families, Communities, which commits to ‘continue to ensure that gender equality and respect are at the centre of all Tasmanian State Service workplaces’.

Equality and respect are central to our values in the Tasmanian State Service and all Heads of Agency are strongly committed to taking the lead on preventing violence against women by actively promoting gender equality. Every policy, practice, action and attitude in our workplaces has the potential to reinforce or challenge existing gender inequities. This is why we are proud to work towards strategies that ensure all of our staff feel respected, valued and treated as equals.

We can’t do this work without you – your voice and experience are essential to highlighting areas where action is needed. That’s why all Heads of Agency have recently committed to undertake a Workplace Equality and Respect Survey which will provide baseline data to inform and support the Self-Assessment workshops being held across each Department before the end of June. Some Departments have already led the way in launching (or completing) this Survey, and some have already begun their Self-Assessment workshops, with all remaining agencies to follow in the coming weeks.

This Survey is one of the many ways we will work to gather information from you, so that we can better understand:

  • perceptions of structural and cultural support for gender equality
  • staff awareness of relevant policies and procedures and confidence in them being applied
  • factors that can act as barriers or enablers to the achievement of gender equality in our workplace.

I understand and acknowledge the significant amount of important work happening throughout the State Service at the moment, and that being asked to complete more than one survey can be difficult when we’re responding to other pressures and priorities. In response to this, Heads of Agency have made the decision not to conduct the Tasmanian State Service Employee Survey originally due to roll out in May, and to focus on just one whole of service survey at this time, being the Workplace Equality and Respect Survey.

The statistics on family and sexual violence in both Tasmania, and Australia, continue to be alarming. A number of agencies have already distributed the Survey so I encourage you all to look out for communications in your Department and to take part in the Workplace Equality and Respect Survey, andhelp us support this critical work on gender equality and respect.

If you or someone you know is impacted by family violence call the Safe at Home Family Violence Response and Referral Line on 1800 633 937. If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual violence call the Statewide Sexual Assault Support Service on 1800 697 877 (1800 MYSUPPORT). For further information visit In an emergency always call 000.

Best wishes,

Jenny Gale Signature block
Jenny Gale
Head of the State Service
Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet
06 May 2021