Jenny Gale, Head of the State Service, message to all staff

Appointment: Secretary Department of Treasury and Finance (20 Dec 2023)

Dear Colleagues

Earlier this year, the Premier announced that a recruitment process would commence to recruit to the position of Secretary, Department of Treasury and Finance. I chaired the panel which led the nation-wide search with Ms Kath-Morgan-Wicks, Secretary of the Department of Health; Mr Tim Bullard, Secretary of the Department for Education, Children and Young People and Ms Kathy Leigh, Director-General of Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development (ACT) joining me on the panel.

I am very pleased to be able to announce today that Gary Swain was the successful candidate.

Many of you will know Gary through his capacity as Deputy Secretary, Transport and Infrastructure in the Department of State Growth. Gary brings with him a wealth of leadership experience in both the public and private sectors, spanning 30 years.

The Department of Treasury and Finance serves all Tasmanians through high quality advice and the effective and efficient administration of our financial and regulatory responsibilities. I know that through his stewardship, Gary will ensure that Treasury continues to achieve its purpose.

Gary will commence in the role on 15 January 2024.

I also take this opportunity to thank James Craigie and Fiona Calvert for acting in this role over the last few months.

Please join me in congratulating Gary on his appointment.

Jenny Gale Signature block
Jenny Gale
Head of the State Service
Secretary, Department of Premier and Cabinet
20 Dec 2023