Rob Williams, Acting Head of the State Service, message to all staff

Continuation of Caretaker (25 Mar 2024)

Dear Colleagues

As you are aware, the State Election was held on Saturday 23 March and we are now awaiting confirmation of the result from the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC).

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that the caretaker period continues until the outcome of the election is clear. The fundamental principle of the State Service remaining apolitical remains, and it is critical that we continue to adhere to our obligations detailed in the Caretaker Conventions and Guidelines.

Until the incoming government is announced, the current Government remains in place with the Premier and Ministers in their respective roles. The ordinary business of government and its administration of government continues.

Yours sincerely

Rob Williams signature block
Rob Williams
Acting Head of the State Service
25 Mar 2024